
What is General Assembly?

General Assembly is a national gathering held every two years by The Alliance Canada. This four-day gathering in July 2024 offers a fresh reminder of who we are as a movement and what our purpose is. It is time for our Alliance family to come together, fellowship, spend time discerning corporately, and see with fresh eyes the majesty and mission of Christ. General Assembly 2024 will be a powerful experience that you do not want to miss.

General Assembly is the governing body of The Alliance Canada, with delegates from churches across the nation meeting to discern and make decisions together.

All Things Jesus

The theme “All Things Jesus” is going to guide us as we worship, learn, and discuss. The theme is being developed based on Colossians 1:15-23.

“The genius of the Alliance is Jesus himself. We organize around him. Our attachment to him is the bond that holds us together and determines our relationship to each other. Our message to the world is Jesus only and our mission is to make him known in all of his fullness everywhere.”

LL King, Former President of the C&MA US